Founder Nadine recently worked with Danielle and Rhiannon on a #tellmeyourstory! podcast raising awareness of good news stories of people in recovery. The podcast covered a brief overview of Nadine’s addiction and recovery and discussed the creation and development of thrivin’ together and plans for the future. You may wish to watch this episode at this link (30 mins)
Improving outcomes for women – call out
thrivin’ together cic is a lived experience, women-only space for those impacted by gambling harms. Our members influence our work through themed focus groups. Thanks to the input of our members, we are really making headway in shaping impactful activities and projects for women harmed by gambling activity. Harms include low self-worth, financial well-being, mental health, financial coersion, isolation, domestic abuse, employment challenges and crime (list not exhaustive).
As part of our Courageous Joy programme we will be hosting a wide range of activities and talks and want to invite organisations and individuals who feel they have something magical to share with our ladies. We’d like to pilot a number of opportunities with a view to incorporating those that are received positively by our membership.
Whether creative, practical or specialist we’d like to hear from you if you’d like to work together with and learn from women impacted by gambling harm (in recovery, as an affected other). We have a priorities list but are open to tried and tested activities or projects that we might not have thought of.
Please drop us an email with a website/info link and short overview of the activity, talk or programme that you feel could make a difference to women experiencing gambling harms by Sunday 30th April. Thanks for your interest.
Thanks to the Community Fund
thrivin’ together are happy to share we have secured a grant from the Community Fund. This will allow us to engage with our members to gather their input and voices in shaping the support and services for women impacted by gambling harms.
This grant will go towards essential office costs and participation recognition, giving our members safe spaces to connect, share and shape projects. Our approach is for all our members to have choice, voice and change in their lives. Any women in the UK impacted by gambling harm – actively gambling, in recovery and/or as an affected other – whatever their age, background or story – is invited and welcome to be involved.
Thank you to the Community Fund for recognising the value of women shaping services for women in this typically unrecognised area.

Hearts and Minds Advisory Group
We are currently recruiting women with lived experience of gambling harms to join our Hearts and Minds Advisory Group. Members contribute to a monthly zoom meeting to feedback on topics, ideas for projects and influence the direction of the organisation.
If you’re feeling a bit unconfident or struggle with IT (or anything else that may make you hesitant) let us know so we can support you to get involved.
Thrivin’ Together aims to be representative of the women impacted by gambling harms. We know there are varied backgrounds and experiences and your voice matters.
Time commitment is expected to be 2-3 hours a month from January 2023. Training will be provided to the group to help you get the best out of this opportunity. This group is vital to our future success and we’d love you to be part of it. Please indicate your interest at this link by 31 December 2022 or email us at with any questions.
Our aim is to provide a range of activities to increase your well-being, self esteem and connections with others. We want these activities to be creative, fun and flexible. Please keep your eye on this page for updates.