Action & Advisory Panel Member

Hi my name is Jayne. I am a gambling addict in recovery. Gambling had been part of my life for as long as
I can remember, then around 10years ago it became my LIFE!! Nearly 2years ago I started on my journey
in recovery and have continued to stay gamble free. I joined the thrivin’ together community as another support in my recovery. I am now part of the Action and Advisory Panel and am able to put across what we as women in gambling/addiction/recovery need and want from thrivin’ together.
I am a proud mum of 4 grown up kids, and a proud nanny to 13 adorable grandkids. During my recovery I have found a love of making cards, so now my family and friends receive handmade birthday/xmas/occasion cards.
For me personally I want to continue being present and there for my loved ones who have stuck by me and supported me through my addiction and recovery. In the very near future I would like to gain skills and knowledge within this space, and added to my own lived experience help others to find peace, happiness and build a better future free from gambling harm.